What? You thought I had it all together already? Well, the truth is, when I said we were in this together, I meant it!! Keep reading if you want to know how I got here.
This is the current situation of our yard. I started the process in December or January, heck maybe even November, my memory isn't the best. The fact is, I am a HUGE procrastinator, and it doesn't help when my husband is the same way + kids >.< I had all of these stakes mapped out in an excel sheet, but you know. Math...so I have learned [1] I can't count, [2] this was a lot more work than I imagined and [3] nothing will ever go as planned. When we moved in back in November this was all grass, thankfully we have a wonderful neighbor who has a tractor and he came over and plowed all of the grass up in about an hour a few weekends ago. Yes, that was after my husband and I had already put the stakes in the first time, but I am forever grateful for nice neighbors with tractors! Yesterday my mother-in-law came and helped me, and we worked WAY too hard to get two of the nine 15-foot beds done. That included moving trees and raking dirt and let me tell you I am not looking forward to doing anymore, lol. We did manage to plant some beet, radish and kale seeds, and I sure do feel accomplished even though I've waited 4 months to do anything. Did I mention this needs to be done next weekend? Here are a few pictures to show what we got done yesterday as well as my garden plan (and of course it isn't all filled in)!
Right: What our beds are going to look like. Bottom: Some lil seeds finally planted!
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